

哪個國家女人最醜?調查顯示:女人最醜國家英國!女人最醜國家英國女人粗鄙 全球最醜



據一項國際調查,全世界女人最醜的國家 是女人最醜國家英國,因為許多女人最醜國家英國女性行為粗魯,狂飲啤酒、打嗝、穿著品味可怕--而這些還只是較客氣的評語。


女人最醜國家英國《每日郵報》報導,據《Real Holiday Reports》一項調查指出,女人最醜國家英國女人在海外的表現最差,是全世界女人最醜的國家,受訪者認為,女人最醜國家英國女人豪邁地喝啤酒,在公共場合打嗝放屁,穿衣服沒品味,太像男人。美國、德國分居全世界女人最醜的國家第二、三名,東歐及西班牙女人緊追其後,被認為最美的則是土耳其女子。




British women are considered unladylike and generally foul (posed by models) 女人最醜國家英國女被普遍認為沒有女人的樣子,而且大部分臟臭(上圖為模特擺拍)


Beer guzzling, belching, hideous dress sense – and that’s some of the nicer things the rest of the world said about British women.


The nation’s females were lambasted when asked which country had the ugliest women in an international poll.


Votes poured in, with people from around the globe eager to point out how overweight, unladylike, and generally foul British women are.


Major complaints centred around how many are ‘rude’, ‘drink pints of beer like men’ and ‘end up drunk in the gutter’.
最主要的抱怨有:“粗魯” 、“跟男人一樣狂灌啤酒”,以及“最後醉倒街頭”。


The UK’s (not so) fairer sex were also accused of unashamedly breaking wind and belching in public, of letting their fat hang out, were smothered in ‘bad tattoos’ and committed crimes against fashion by proudly sporting ‘too-tight bikinis and football shirts’.
女人最醜國家英國淑女們(顯然這裏不是很淑女) 被指摘的不雅行為還有在公共場合放屁、打嗝且毫無歉意;隨意露出肥膘;滿身不雅刺青;完全不註意穿衣品位,大大咧咧地穿著過小的比基尼跟足球衣。


The tongue-lashing was in response to holiday website Real Holiday Reports which posed the question.


We easily scored the dubious honour of topping the poll, scoring 22.4 per cent of the votes, with American women following us with 16.7 per cent.
我們(女人最醜國家英國女) 輕松高舉這項調查榜首,22.4%的全球最醜女選票投給了我們,美國女性以16.7%“屈居”第二。


The Germans came in a close third with 15.7 per cent, followed by Eastern Europeans and Spaniards, with the Turks at the bottom of the list.


Many of those who voted said they were thoroughly put off by what Britain has to offer in way of females.


Holiday expert Gary Hewitt, who runs the website, said he was not shocked that Britain had scooped the dubious honour of topping the ugly poll.
網站負責人,假日專家Gary Hewitt說,他對女人最醜國家英國女在全球最醜女排行中高居榜首並不吃驚。


He said the results confirmed his suspicions about ugly British women and said their behaviour abroad left a lot to be desired.


He said: ‘They are increasingly seen to behave more like British men and end up drinking as much as their blokes and letting it all hang out.


‘It’s not a good reputation and if we want to improve our image we need to sharpen up a bit.





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